solidworks record Macro select motor in motion study
solidworks record Macro select motor in motion study
Use the interfaces related to motion studies introduced in SolidWorks 2013 to access .... IHoleTable, Inserts a hole table feature, based on the selected items that .... Allows access to the data that defines linear or rotary motors in SolidWorks Motion studies. ..... Notifies the user program when a macro recording has started.
A great feature of Thermal studies with SolidWorks Simulation Professional is the ability to utilize other thermal study results as an input for transient analysis. This allows us, for instance, to analyze the response of a heating or cooling process on our components and assemblies. This is done by editing the properties of the study, changing the study type to Transient, checking the box for 'Initial temperatures from thermal study' and choosing the appropriate study as an input. (It is easier done than written!)
The other options, when setting up a transient thermal analysis, are the total time to analyze the heating or cooling cycle and how often you want to have a result data point. For more advanced thermal analysis, if the input thermal study is another transient analysis, you can choose which time step from the input study to begin with for the next thermal study. This is especially beneficial when stringing together complex power, heating or cooling curves.
A great feature of Thermal studies with SolidWorks Simulation Professional is the ability to utilize other thermal study results as an input for transient analysis. This allows us, for instance, to analyze the response of a heating or cooling process on our components and assemblies. This is done by editing the properties of the study, changing the study type to Transient, checking the box for 'Initial temperatures from thermal study' and choosing the appropriate study as an input. (It is easier done than written!)
The other options, when setting up a transient thermal analysis, are the total time to analyze the heating or cooling cycle and how often you want to have a result data point. For more advanced thermal analysis, if the input thermal study is another transient analysis, you can choose which time step from the input study to begin with for the next thermal study. This is especially beneficial when stringing together complex power, heating or cooling curves.